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How to fit sigmoid to time series data

· by Alvaro Aguado · Read in about 4 min · (660 Words)
Easy Regression


How can I fit a sigmoid function to time series data in R? Because when I run nls I get the following error Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) : singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates


Normally we find many problems when trying to fit a non linear model to time series data. Specifically, when we don’t define correctly the starting values we get the error of singular gradient matrix error. The fact that every value of time corresponds to only one value on the y-axis makes the whole process harder for the solver in R. The solution is to use Self Start models

To fit a non linear regression with a sigmoid function to time series data you can use the nls function with a self-start function. In this case SSlogis


# Create data set 
tbl <- tibble::tribble(~date,~y,  "2020-01-22",   548L,  "2020-01-23",   643L,  "2020-01-24",   920L,  "2020-01-25",  1406L,  "2020-01-26",  2075L,  "2020-01-27",  2877L,  "2020-01-28",  5509L,  "2020-01-29",  6087L,  "2020-01-30",  8141L,  "2020-01-31",  9802L,  "2020-02-01", 11891L,  "2020-02-02", 16630L,  "2020-02-03", 19716L,  "2020-02-04", 23707L,  "2020-02-05", 27440L,  "2020-02-06", 30587L,  "2020-02-07", 34110L,  "2020-02-08", 36814L,  "2020-02-09", 39829L,  "2020-02-10", 42354L,  "2020-02-11", 44386L,  "2020-02-12", 44759L,  "2020-02-13", 59895L,  "2020-02-14", 66358L,  "2020-02-15", 68413L,  "2020-02-16", 70513L,  "2020-02-17", 72434L,  "2020-02-18", 74211L,  "2020-02-19", 74619L,  "2020-02-20", 75077L,  "2020-02-21", 75550L,  "2020-02-22", 77001L,  "2020-02-23", 77022L,  "2020-02-24", 77241L,  "2020-02-25", 77754L,  "2020-02-26", 78166L,  "2020-02-27", 78600L,  "2020-02-28", 78928L,  "2020-02-29", 79356L,  "2020-03-01", 79932L,  "2020-03-02", 80136L,  "2020-03-03", 80261L,  "2020-03-04", 80386L,  "2020-03-05", 80537L,  "2020-03-06", 80690L,  "2020-03-07", 80770L,  "2020-03-08", 80823L,  "2020-03-09", 80860L,  "2020-03-10", 80887L,  "2020-03-11", 80921L,  "2020-03-12", 80932L,  "2020-03-13", 80945L,  "2020-03-14", 80977L,  "2020-03-15", 81003L,  "2020-03-16", 81033L,  "2020-03-17", 81058L,  "2020-03-18", 81102L)

# Convert Date to Sequence (Because you can't regress dates)
tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(x = seq_along(tbl$date)) 

# Run regression nls with formula SSlogis both from package stats 
fit <- nls(y ~ SSlogis(x, a, b, c), data = tbl)

# Check model
## Formula: y ~ SSlogis(x, a, b, c)
## Parameters:
##    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## a 8.093e+04  4.640e+02   174.4   <2e-16 ***
## b 1.876e+01  1.604e-01   116.9   <2e-16 ***
## c 4.503e+00  1.385e-01    32.5   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2188 on 54 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 0 
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.639e-06
# Save coefficients
p <- coef(fit)

# Plot output 
plot(x,y,title(main = "Sigmoid Fitting"),xlab = "Days",ylab = 'Counts',pch = 20)
curve(SSlogis(x,p["a"],p["b"],p["c"]),lwd = 2, col = 'lightblue',add = TRUE) # Predict


That’s it that’s all you need

Additional stuff

We can also project our model further out

# Plot data again
plot(x,y,title(main = "Sigmoid Fitting"),xlab = "Days",ylab = 'Counts',pch = 20,xlim = c(0,100))

# Plot further out output 
new_x <- seq(1,100)
lines(SSlogis(new_x,p["a"],p["b"],p["c"]),lwd = 2, col = 'firebrick') # Predict

You can use a different function to fit this too. There’s a long list of Self starting Non linear

# Fit an assymptotic curve SSgompertz(x, Asym, b2, b3)
# Run regression nls with formula SSlogis both from package stats 
fit_gompertz <- nls(y ~ SSgompertz(x, a, b, c), data = tbl)

# Check model
# summary(fit_gompertz)

# Save coefficients
p <- coef(fit_gompertz)

# Plot output 
plot(x,y,title(main = "Gompertz Fitting"),xlab = "Days",ylab = 'Counts',pch = 20)
curve(SSgompertz(x,p["a"],p["b"],p["c"]),lwd = 2, col = 'lightblue',add = TRUE) # Predict


You can also calculate a model R-square by fitting this curve to a linear model

# Regress both non-linear outputs in a linear model to get R-squares
lm(y~predict(fit),data = tbl)  -> lmfit_logistic
lm(y~predict(fit_gompertz),data = tbl) -> lmfit_gompertz

# Comparing R-squares
Comparison <- data.frame(
Regression = c("Logistic","Gompertz"),
RSquare = c(summary(lmfit_logistic)$r.squared ,summary(lmfit_gompertz)$r.squared))

##   Regression   RSquare
## 1   Logistic 0.9951703
## 2   Gompertz 0.9923591
# You can also run ANOVA between the two
anova(lmfit_logistic,lmfit_gompertz) %>% broom::tidy()
## # A tibble: 2 x 6
##   res.df        rss    df       sumsq statistic p.value
##    <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1     55 257038162.    NA         NA         NA      NA
## 2     55 406650368.     0 -149612205.        NA      NA